How to use Launch X431 PROS to diagnose Chevrolet Aveo 2010

Here we have a Chevrolet Aveo 2010 with abnormal acceleration. We will show you how to use Launch X431 PROS V4.0 to diagnose the problem.

Here we can see that it accelerates around 1400rpm, which consumes a lot of fuel.

So turn on the device,
Manually select the vehicle type and enter the ECM diagnosis menu.
Select “Read fault codes”.
Then we got DTC: the voltage under the throttle position sensor circuit.

Here, we can capture to save the code.
Return to the ECM menu and select
Read data stream>>Engine data
There are 40 parameters
Data about throttle and engine.

Here we can see that the control air relent is 34, which means it is correct.
But the throttle position sensor is at 2.75% and 0.14v and 1400rpm, so
We have a problem with the throttle position.

So we check the TPS diagram,
We try to reconnect the connector to
Make sure it is tightened and adjusted well.
Since the TPS value is intermittent, we will replace it with a new TPS.

After completing the throttling part, enter the X431 PROS V4.0 scanner
Select “Diagnostic history” and the record we just saved.
Click “Rapid Access” to return to the ECM diagnosis menu.

Then we read the fault code again.
There is no fault code, so we take a snapshot and go back.

Read the engine data stream again.
Check the throttle selection and confirm.
Then we got the required engine speed-840rpm, and it is oscillating.
We also have oxygen sensors that work well.

This is how we use X-431 PROS V4.0 to diagnose the acceleration of the Chevrolet Aveo 2010.