Doosan DMS-5 FAD1005 “Not Response from ECU” Solution

Doosan DMS-5 diagnostic software is a powerful tool that allows users to connect the ECU (Engine Control Unit) for parameter programming. However, sometimes users may encounter an error code FAD1005 “Not response from ECU”, indicating a lack of response from the ECU. In this article, we will explore possible solutions to resolve this issue.

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Troubleshooting Steps:

1. Ensure Power Supply:
The first step is to verify that the ECU is receiving power. Check if the equipment is in the driven state and that the ECU is properly connected to a power source.

2. Check Communication Status:
Next, inspect the communication status between the ECU and the diagnostic software. Examine the cable and connector tightening status for any potential issues. Ensure that the communication connection is secure and stable.

3. Gauge Panel Alerts:
If the same error occurs in the gauge panel alerts, it is crucial to check the communication connection between the ECU and the diagnostic software. Address any communication issues that may arise.

4. Match ECU Information:
Confirm that the ECU information selected in the diagnostic software matches the actual ECU installed in the equipment. Ensure that both the ECU and the equipment model are correctly identified in the program.

5. Verify Other Functions:
Perform a thorough check of other functions within the diagnostic software. If you encounter any problems while using other features, contact the administrator for further assistance and notification.

The “Not Response from ECU” error code FAD1005 in Doosan DMS-5 can be resolved by following these troubleshooting steps. By ensuring a proper power supply, checking communication status, matching ECU information, and verifying other functions, users can overcome this issue and successfully connect to the ECU for parameter programming. Remember to seek additional support from the administrator if further problems persist.