JLR SDD Pathfinder software installation failed, how to solve?

When I try to install Jaguar Land Rover JLR SDD software, it tells me that JLR SDD is not installed/JLR Pathfinder is not installed. I tried many times and it still turned out to be the same. Please help or tell me what I am doing wrong.

Obd2tool engineer solution:

You need to reinstall the JLR SDD software, and then install the driver software.

SDD V160 download:
No password

SDD Patch download:
No password

VXDIAG VCX Nano for Jaguar Landrover (USB, Wifi) : Confirmed working fine

USB Version:

Wifi Version:

JLR Mangoose Pro cable: Confirmed working fine

Related article:

How to Install Jaguar & Land Rover JLR Pathfinder on Win7 and Win 10