Volkswagen Key Fob Not Working (sovled)

Volkswagen has already established its reputation for making excellent cars that are innovative, safe, and economical. One of its advanced features is its key fobs that provide maximum convenience and security, making its drivers’ rides smooth all the time.

Thus, if the VW key fob suddenly stops working, you can no longer lock and unlock the doors of your car automatically. The worst case is if your Volkswagen cannot identify your key fob, making it impossible to start the car’s engine.

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1. Causes Why VW Key Fob Is Not Working

Your VW key fob is truly a helpful device in making your daily ride easier, right? There is no need for manually locking and unlocking doors through holes which is a real challenge especially when you are in a hurry or a dark place!

However, innovations are always prone to mishaps, thus, your VW key fob may just stop functioning one day. If this happens, you will surely think endlessly about what goes wrong!

Below are some of the possible causes of why your VW key fob is not working:
1. Your VW key fob’s battery is dead.
2. You need to resynchronize or reprogram your key fob again.
3. There are issues with the battery contacts inside your key fob.
4. Your VW key fob might have gotten wet and incurred some water damage.
5. There are signal interferences blocking the connection between your car and the key fob.
6. The immobilizer system of your VW car is at fault.
7. Your VW key fob is defective.

2. How To Fix a VW Key Fob That Is Not Working?

To fix the VW key fob that is not working, you may need to change its battery and reprogram it. You can also check if its battery is properly placed and if the contacts are not damaged. If the VW key fob gets wet, dry it appropriately right away. Additionally, keep away from anything or places where signal interferences are present. You may also need to check the immobilizer system of your VW car. If none of these work, your VW key fob may need a replacement.

Change the battery: The most common reason why your VW key fob is not functioning is its dead battery. You simply need to change the battery. Replacing the battery is very easy; but first, make sure you are getting the compatible one – the same size, voltage, and specification as the old one.

Reprogram your VW key fob: After changing the battery, you may need to reprogram your VW key fob to work again. The steps for reprogramming vary depending on the model of your Volkswagen.

Reset your key fob: If the light in your key fob is flashing, it should be reset. You can only do this using the master key.

Check the battery contacts: You already changed the battery of your key fob, but it is still not working? Perhaps, the problem is the battery contacts which will complete the circuit of energy from your new battery.

Check for water damage: Your VW key fob can tolerate some small splatters of water as it is water-resistant. However, it is not waterproof so if it gets soaked underwater, it is most likely to get damaged.

Avoid places where signals can interfere: Your key fob may not connect with your Volkswagen car if there are signal obstructions. If you are near radio towers or satellite systems, the signal can be obstructed.

Check the immobilizer system of your car: Some systems can prevent the connection between your key fob and your car. One is the anti-theft security system which prevents the use of an unknown key to start the car.

Replace your key fob: If you think you have tried all possible solutions and even asked for the help of a professional but still nothing works, your key fob may be defective. The simple solution to this is to get a new one. You can purchase a new key fob from your authorized dealer.


Experiencing a non-working VW key fob can be frustrating, but most causes of glitches in your VW key fob can be fixed by yourself. From changing the battery to reprogramming and checking for water damage, there are several steps you can take to get your key fob working again. However, if all else fails, it may be time to replace your key fob. Remember to always consult your authorized dealer for assistance and ensure the compatibility of any replacement parts.

More informaition about Volkswagen,please visit VW Trouble Repair